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Image by Andrew Jephson
  • Why do I need financial advice?
    Whether you need financial advice or not depends on the complexity of your affairs and your ability, time and inclination to address relevant issues. For example, some people are just so busy working flat out that they end up neglecting their own affairs to their detriment, in which case, a financial advisor is highly recommended.
  • What is fee-based financial planning?
    Financial planning refers to an overview of your financial affairs in the form of a written report in return for an hourly or flat fee. Topics that would typically be covered include: have you made a will, have you appointed a guardian for your children (if appropriate), signed an “expression of wish” form with your employer. How about medical issues – are those covered, what about retirement, your investment choices, your tax affairs? Basically, every aspect of your financial affairs can be reviewed and examined.
  • What is investment management?
    Managing cash by investing in different types of assets designed to preserve and grow your hard-earned savings. With so many investment possibilities to choose from, it’s difficult to know where best to allocate your money. The right investment manager can make all the difference by steering you away from get rich quick schemes and scams and by sorting out the wheat from the chaff.
  • What is an independent financial advisor?
    A truly independent financial advisor has no vested interests in the outcome of their advice, they have free reign of the entire market so to speak, with no bias towards any products or services. That is distinct from a limited advice firm, where those advisors can only recommend products or solutions from which the advisor derives a financial benefit.
  • What is the difference between a financial advisor and an investment advisor?
    An investment adviser only advises on investments. A financial advisor will advise on all issues affecting your financial affairs, similar to a General Practitioner (GP) Doctor.
  • Why plan for retirement?
    Because if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! Unless you have so much money where it doesn’t really matter if you plan ahead or not, getting your financial ducks in a row should help reduce your stress levels during your twilight years so you can enjoy life after work.
  • What is included in the H Capital discovery meeting?
    The H Capital Discovery meeting is a no obligation, get to know one another session which takes place with one of our fiduciaries. It's a two way street i.e. H Capital may not be suitable for everyone, therefore we like to make sure we're on the same page of understanding before we begin assisting in your financial affairs. During the meeting we’ll aim to establish your current circumstances and objectives, your risk appetite, your time horizon – a little similar to a consultation with your doctor, but we’ll ask questions about your financial affairs rather than your state of health, necessarily. At that point we should have enough information to be able to revert with advice.
  • How does H Capital make money?
    H Capital charges clients an hourly or flat fee for providing advice, and a percentage based fee for managing investment portfolios. H Capital pioneered a fee-based approach to financial services in Hong Kong many years ago, in an industry dominated at the time by opaque commission driven products sales.
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