Why Choose H Capital?
What We Offer
Easy to Use, transparent, low-cost money management services and fee-based financial advice for Hong Kong-based residents and expatriates worldwide, typically with a British or Australian connection.
Whether you have questions or concerns about Retirement Provisions, MPF, Frozen Pensions,
Wills & Trusts, Tax Planning, returning to the UK, Australia or elsewhere to live, or you would simply like to maximise your Hard-Earned Savings, H Capital can help.
Why Work With Us?
We operate as Fiduciaries, which means we have a legal, ethical and moral duty to put our clients’ best interests first.
On the other hand, Financial Advisers, Wealth Managers, Insurance Agents and even Private Bankers are not held to the same high standards, and at worst simply push complex products to earn commissions and to satisfy quotas and sales targets!
Our Existing Clients
Our existing clients include Entrepreneurs, Accountants, Lawyers, Doctors, also Teachers,
Pilots and Vets both young and old!
Speak to us now and get your Crispy Financial Ducks in a Row!
Client Stories
At H Capital we have been helping clients organise and manage their financial affairs for nearly
thirty years. Some of those clients have very kindly written testimonials which might help you as
a prospective client in need of reassurance perhaps, so that you know what to expect from
working with us.

Christopher Riggs
“I first met Chris Riggs in 2003 at the Clearwater Bay School ‘Welcome Day’ which he and I attended as our respective sons (Jack and Luke) were about to start P1. Chris and his wife Lizzie had recently arrived in Hong Kong to take up Chris’ position as Head of Veterinary Clinical Services at the Jockey Club. He still works for the Jockey Club (2025), but last year
guided by (tax and investment) advice relocated to the UK.
Luke is now married to Katie and works as a trainee Pilot with BA. My wife, Fiona, and our two sons Jack and Mark were thrilled to attend their wedding in Oxford last summer. Time flies!
Meanwhile, Chris and Lizzie are still clients 20+ years on”.
David Bojan
Managing Director, Responsible Officer and Owner of H Capital
Here is Chris’ testimonial letter, written some years earlier.
“David was thorough in establishing my personal situation and medium to long-termplans and subsequently formulated a portfolio that has, to date, been very productive.”
Christopher Riggs:
Head of Veterinary Clinical Services at Hong Kong Jockey Club

Cornel Marais
"Cornel and Rensia Marais were referred to me for advice around 10 years ago (2016) by long-term Cathay Pacific client, Wesley Jones. Cornel was at the time employed by the Renaissance College, following which he joined Hong Kong Academy, before moving to Beijing City International School in 2020. In July 2024 Cornel and Rensia moved to Tanzania when Cornel joined the International School of Tanganyika.
Since 2016 I have personally managed Cornel and Rensia’s investment portfolio and provided guidance on their financial affairs in Hong Kong, China, their home-country South Africa, and now Tanzania."
David Bojan
Managing Director, Responsible Officer and Owner of H Capital
Here's Cornel’s testimonial letter, also written some years earlier.
"With David's input and guidance, my portfolio has grown considerably over the past 5 years despite a very tumultuous few years of economic recession, trade wars and a world-ide pandemic."
Cornel Marais: Secondary School Curriculum & MYP Coordinator at Beijing City International School
About Us
H Capital is licensed by the Securities & Futures Commission in Hong Kong to (License Type 4) advise on securities (investments) and (License Type 9) manage investment portfolios on a discretionary basis.
We are also licensed by the Mandatory Provident Funds Association (MPFA) in Hong Kong, which means we can help establish company MPF schemes and advise individual members on their MPF accounts, including advice on what funds to choose and when.
We've been advising clients of all nationalities in the region on their financial affairs for nearly thirty years, with a special focus on UK and Australian issues.
As mentioned, our Licensed Advisers operate as Fiduciaries, which means we have our client’s best interests at heart. Connected with that, we believe in full transparency around fees. Indeed,
H Capital was the first firm in Hong Kong to offer fee-based investment advice as opposed to the more traditional commission-based approach.

Not All Advisors Are Equal
The financial services industry can be confusing.
From Private Bankers and Wealth Managers to Insurance Brokers and more, the scope of services and the extent of advice on offer is not always clear. For example, did you know that the largest Wealth Management firm in Hong Kong is a UK-based 'restricted advice’ firm - which means it has its own products and is not therefore impartial?
What’s more, many of its in-house investment funds have been identified as expensive, poor performers, regularly featured on the so-called Dog List!
Contact us for details and avoid the honey trap.
If you feel the need for reassurance, reading our client stories (testimonials) will show you how
we've helped others.
Our Services
Hong Kong Investment Management
When it comes to managing your money, fully understanding and controlling the risks involved is the key to success. We handle that for you. Our ultra thorough time-tested approach means that you can focus on what really matters to you, whilst we concentrate on getting you better results so you don’t need to worry.

Second Opinion
Are you considering an investment, but you are not entirely sure it's right for you or you don't really understand the risks involved? Is your current investment portfolio underperforming? Are you concerned about hidden fees and charges.
Why risk making a potentially costly and at worst disastrous mistake? For a one-off time-based fee, we will carefully examine the subject matter and provide you with an unbiased second opinion that will at the very least set your mind at rest, and could save money and heartache in the future.

Insure your life, your health and your business
Death and disability are risks that should not be ignored. Life assurance, critical illness and medical insurance will protect you, your family, and if applicable your company, from the inevitable financial impact.
Also, don't forget Wills, including the appointment of a guardian to protect your minor children.
At H Capital, David, Melanie, Michael and Alex have all experienced several market cycles. There is no substitute for experience and a proven long-term track record of managing money diligently throughout the inevitable ups and downs of those cycles.